The Cisco 350-401 ENCOR certification confirms the professionals' skills and knowledge in the constantly developing enterprise network technology field. It includes core technologies along with enterprise domains of your preference. This indicates that the candidates should take the core exam to get the essential fundamental knowledge, and then they can choose the area of specialization according to their career options. Another benefit of this certificate is that they will receive one certification for each successfully passed exam. Therefore, after taking the core exam (350-401 ENCOR) and one of the concentration exams, you will also receive two expert-level certifications, in addition to CCNP Enterprise as the major one.
Requirements to Obtain CCNP Enterprise 350-401 ENCOR Certification
There are no prerequisites for achieving CCNP 350-401 ENCOR certification exam. This point removed a lot of bottlenecks for the experienced professionals. But, it is beneficial to three to five years of work experience. This level of expertise imparts them a considerable boost, but it is nothing without having a solid grasp of the CCNP 350-401 ENCOR exam topics. So, if you don't have these years behind your back, don't worry and concentrate on mastering the domains.
How to Get Ready to Ace Cisco 350-401 ENCOR Exam?
Before preparing, you should know the Cisco 350-401 exam syllabus topics and structure.
Obtain the appropriate study resources offered by Cisco itself. You can take up the training course "Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.2".
You can also go for the other study resources for Cisco ENCOR exam preparation besides official resources. Many platforms offer study guides, training courses, video lectures, and Cisco 350-401 ENCOR practice test.
The training course that the company recommends taking covers all these topic areas. There are also different resources on other online platforms to use for your study. Search for some reliable guides, video courses, and practice tests.
Attempting practice tests provide you an excellent opportunity to become familiar with the Cisco ENCOR exam questions before being ready for the actual exam. Many certified professionals favor taking practice tests because it helps them identify their level of knowledge and avoid likely retakes and financial loss.
What to Do after Passing Cisco 350-401 ENCOR Certification Exam?
1. Add the Earned Certification to Your Resume
What is the point of taking an exam to gain a certificate if you cannot display it? So, you must add it to your resume. By doing so, organizations will know that you have achieved the corresponding certification after you passed the 350-401 ENCOR exam.
2. Find Career Opportunities to Employ Your Skills
Many organizations are on the verge of allowing interested professionals to practice their knowledge. For example, you can look for a company that can allow you to work under them as you learn. This can be paid work or voluntary jobs that draw little or no pay. It may seem like a loss of time working for free once you pass the actual 350-401 ENCOR exam, but the experience you acquire is the most worthy asset to have.
3. Build and Maintain Your Professional Network
Networking with peers and other professionals is crucial to obtain more lucrative opportunities. When you have references of professionals who perceive your prospect, they will most likely suggest you to hiring managers. Thus, exclusive professionals that you have worked under should be part of your networking group. As a common rule, they are the most valuable source of information on different topics that you have not mastered so far.
4. Show Your IT Skills and Certifications on LinkedIn and Other Social Media Profiles
Professional social media platforms like LinkedIn are an excellent place to meet experts in the IT sector. By showcasing your certificate achieved from the 350-401, you will flaunt that you have acquired skills in enterprise network technologies and solutions. What is more, having these professional social pages are an excellent way to meet other professionals and even potential employers.
5. Eligible to Obtain Higher-Level Cisco Certifications
Advancement is essential to enhance your career, and thus, you must go for other certifications after the specialist-level certificate to promote your career. For instance, as slightly noted above, you can take any of the CCNP Enterprise concentration exams to obtain the corresponding professional-level CCNP Enterprise certification or go for the lab tests to sharpen your skills with the above-listed expert-tier certifications.
Now you know what you can do after passing the Cisco 350-401 ENCOR certification exam; you should pass it as soon as possible. After having gone through this article, it is apparent that it has a lot of benefits to promote a career in IT. Likewise, you will be one step closer to achieving the other professional and expert certificates associated with it once passed.