Palo Alto PCCSE Exam Details
Palo Alto PCCSE certifications are globally accepted and add significant value to any IT professional. The certification gives you a profound understanding of all the workings of the network models and the devices that are utilized with it. is proud to provide to you the best Palo Alto Exam Guides.
The Palo Alto PCCSE Exam is challenging, and thorough preparation is essential for success. This cert guide is designed to help you prepare for the PCCSE certification exam. It contains a detailed list of the topics covered on the Professional exam. These guidelines for the PCCSE will help guide you through the study process for your certification.
To obtain Cloud Security Engineer certification, you are required to pass PCCSE exam. This exam is created keeping in mind the input of professionals in the industry and reveals how Cisco products are used in organizations across the world.
PCCSE Cloud Security Engineer Exam Summary
● Exam Name: Cloud Security Engineer
● Exam Code: PCCSE
● Exam Price: $175 USD
● Duration: 90 minutes
● Number of Questions: 75-85
● Passing Score: Variable (70-80 / 100 Approx.)
● Exam Registration: PEARSON VUE
● Sample Questions: Palo Alto PCCSE Sample Questions
● Recommended Practice: Prisma Certified Cloud Security Engineer Practice Test
● Recommended Training:
Topics covered in the Palo Alto PCCSE Exam
Install and Upgrade- 18%
- Deploy and manage Console for the Compute Edition
Locate and download Prisma Cloud release software.
Install Console in onebox configuration.
Install Console in Kubernetes.
Perform upgrade on Console.
- Deploy and manage Defenders
Deploy Container Defenders.
Deploy Host Defenders.
Deploy Serverless Defenders.
Deploy App-embedded Defenders.
Configure networking for Defender to Console connectivity.
Perform upgrade on Defenders.
Visibility, Security and Compliance- 20%
- Configure policies
Understand policies related to compliance standards.
Build custom policies.
Identify policy types.
- Configure alerting and notifications
Understand alert states.
Build alert rules.
Create alert notifications.
Investigate alerts.
- Understand third-party integrations
Understand inbound and outbound notifications.
- Perform ad hoc investigations
Investigate resource configuration with RQL.
Investigate user activity using RQL.
Investigate network activity using RQL.
Investigate anomalous user event(s).
- Identify assets in a Cloud account
Identify inventory of resources in a cloud account.
Identify how to check resource configuration history.
- Use Prisma Cloud APIs
Use APIs for automation of tasks.
Use APIs for custom queries.
Cloud Workload Protection Platform- 22%
- Monitor and Protect Against Image Vulnerabilities
Understand how to Investigate Image Vulnerabilities.
Configure Image Vulnerability Policy.
- Monitor and Protect Host Vulnerabilities
Understand how to Investigate Host Vulnerabilities.
Configure Host Vulnerability Policy.
- Monitor and Enforce Image/Container Compliance
Understand how to Investigate Image and Container Compliance.
Configure Image and Container Compliance Policy.
- Monitor and Enforce Host Compliance
Understand how to Investigate Host Compliance.
Configure Host Compliance Policy.
- Monitor and Enforce Container Runtime
Understand container models.
Configure container runtime policies.
Understand container runtime audits.
Investigate incidents using Incident Explorer.
- Configure cloud native application firewalls
Configure cloud native application firewall policies.
- Monitor and Protect Against Serverless Vulnerabilities
Understand how to Investigate Serverless Vulnerabilities.
Configure Serverless Vulnerability Policy.
Configure Serverless Auto-Protect functionality.
Data Loss Prevention- 9%
- Onboarding
Configure CloudTrail and SNS.
Configure Scan options.
- Use Data Dashboard features
Classify objects.
List object permissions for visibility.
Viewing Data inventory.
Viewing Resource Explorer.
List Object Identifiers.
Knowing Object exposure states.
- Assess Data Policies and Alerts
Differentiate differences between malware and regular policies.
Understand the scope of alert notifications.
Web Application and API Security- 5%
- Configure CNAF policies
Dev SecOps Security (Shift-Left)- 11%
- Implement scanning for IAC templates
Differentiate between Terraform and Cloudformation scanning configurations.
List OOTB IAC scanning integrations.
Configure API scanning for IAC templates.
- Configure policies in Console for IAC scanning
Review OOTB policies for IAC scanning.
Configure custom build policies for IAC scanning.
- Integrate Compute scans into CI/CD pipeline
Integrate container scans into CI/CD pipeline.
Integrate serverless scans into CI/CD pipeline.
Identify different options for scanning: Twistclip and plugins.
- Configure CI policies for Compute scanning
Review default CI policies for Compute scanning.
Configure custom CI policies for Compute scanning.
Prisma Cloud Administration -include Compute- 15%
- Onboard accounts
Onboarding cloud accounts.
Configure account groups.
- Configure RBAC
Differentiate between Prisma Cloud and Compute roles.
Configure Prisma Cloud and Compute roles.
- Configure admission controller
Configure defender as an admission controller.
Create OPA policies
- Configure logging
Familiarize with audit logging.
Enable defender logging.
- Manage enterprise settings
Differentiate UEBA settings.
Configure idle timeout.
Set autoenable policies.
Set mandatory dismissal reason(s).
Enable user attribution.
- Understand third-party integrations
Understand inbound and outbound notifications.
Configure third-party integration for alerts.
- Leverage Compute APIs
Authenticate with APIs.
Locate API documentation.
List policies by API.
Manage alerts using APIs.
Create reports using APIs.
Download vulnerability results via API.
What type of questions are on the Palo Alto PCCSE exams?
● Single answer multiple choice
● Multiple answer multiple choice
● Drag and Drop (DND)
● Router Simulation
● Testlet
PCCSE Practice Exam Questions.
Grab an understanding from these Palo Alto PCCSE sample questions and answers and improve your PCCSE exam preparation towards attaining a Cloud Security Engineer Certification. Answering these sample questions will make familiar with the types of questions you can expect on the actual exam. Doing practice with PCCSE questions and answers before the exam as much as possible is the key to passing the Palo Alto PCCSE certification exam.
PCCSE Cloud Security Engineer Sample Questions:-
01. An organization that uses a private cloud in a black site that has no internet connection can use which product?
a) Google Cloud
b) AWS S3 Management
c) Prisma Cloud Compute
d) Prisma Cloud
02. You type this query: event where user = 'root'. Where would the events you see originate?
a) AWS
b) Azure
c) GCP
d) Google Cloud
03. Can Defender upgrades be restricted to a specific window of time?
a) No. Upgrades happen automatically. However, those upgrades do not cause downtime.
b) You can disable auto-upgrade, but then you can't upgrade the Defenders. You need to uninstall and reinstall them for the upgrade.
c) You can disable auto-upgrade, and then upgrade the Defenders during the window from the web-based interface (Action > Upgrade).
d) You can specify the maintenance window in the console, and then Defender upgrades will happen only during that time.
04. Where do you install an app-embedded Defender?
a) on the hosts that run the Docker containers of the application
b) on the images that become the Docker containers of the application
c) on the Docker containers that implement the application
d) on both the hosts and the images
05. How do you deploy a host Defender on Windows?
a) Download an .msi package using the browser.
b) Run the provided command line using the old (cmd.exe) shell.
c) Run the provided command line using PowerShell.
d) Download an .exe command package using the browser.
06. In Prisma Cloud Compute, what is the default HTTPS port for the Console?
a) 443
b) 8083
c) 8443
d) 9443
07. What is the maximum idle timeout without using a custom value?
a) 30 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 60 minutes
d) 120 minutes
08. Which command do you use to install a container Defender on Linux?
a) rpm
b) apt install
c) either rpm or apt install, depending on the Linux distribution
d) curl
09. If a Docker image raises a high severity compliance concern, what is the first digit of the compliance ID?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
10. The TCP listener setting in a Docker Defender running on Linux allows the Defender to function as what?
a) a firewall
b) a Docker proxy
c) an SSH proxy
d) an HTTP proxy
Question: 01- Answer: c
Question: 02- Answer: a
Question: 03- Answer: c
Question: 04- Answer: b
Question: 05- Answer: c
Question: 06- Answer: b
Question: 07- Answer: c
Question: 08- Answer: d
Question: 09- Answer: c
Question: 10- Answer: b
Not every IT certification intended for professionals, but Palo Alto certification is a great deal. After achieving this Palo Alto PCCSE, you can grab an opportunity to be an IT professional with unique capability and can help the industry or get a good job. Many individuals do the Cisco certifications just for the interest, and that payback as a profession because of the worth of this course.